How to monitor budgets & cash flow?

How to monitor budgets & cash flow?

First, let me show you a brief note about budgets and cash flow and the use of both.

What is the budget?

Cash flow

A budget shows the detailed expected income and expenditure for a specific period for business; from that, you will also know your expected profit. It is usefully made annually, but revisions are made as and when required. If the business is stable, the easiest way to prepare the budget is to take the actual figures of the previous year and the forecast.

If you are running a business, it is vital to know How to monitor budgets & cash flow? To avoid either failure or will not grow the business for a while.

What is the cash flow?

It merely details the receipts and expenses, always done annually, but checks are carried out monthly. It is not that difficult if the business is on a cash-only basis. If not, there are still differences in amounts in the budget due to time differences in cash flow.

Active monitoring of the cash flow and the budget involves regular scrutiny, and the comparisons will make you aware of the adjusted figures and what is happening in your Company.

There is a column for actual and projected in both budget and cash flow, and at the end of each month, you are expected to fill in actuals and then make appropriate expenditures revisions if required.

If you find severe effects on the expenditure, then a complete financial record analysis is necessary.

 The company faces problems because of the timing differences between income and spending. If your customer pays the bill late, say a month, you will have a cash flow problem, and then an immediate revision is required.

The people who owe you money are debtors. You would have created an amount for them in your budget and cash flow, and when they do not pay you on time, it will affect both; therefore, you need to back and change your figures in both. You must maintain proper records for your debts; if not, you might wonder how the difference between the budget and the actuals came up; you will not be aware of which customer has not paid you on time. The customers who pay you late called aged debtors, and it is crucial to maintain old debtor records to do the analysis later on when required.

Planning and monitoring your budgets and cash flow forecasts will help you identify wasteful expenditures, adapt quickly as your financial situation changes, and achieve your business goals.

How to monitor budgets & cash flow?

Quartely Cash flow
INCOME   Quarter 1             Quarter 2  Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Sales 18000 31500 43500 45000 138000
Capital         35,000 0 0 0 35000
                 –   0 0 0 0
Total         54,069 31500 43500 45000 174069
Direct Costs      
Purchases         20,198 22050 30450 31500 104198.3
Marketing               60 60 60 60 240
Salary           1,500 2000 3000 3000 9500
Rent & Rates           6,000 3000 3000 2000 14000
PPS               45 45 45 45 180
Heating & Lighting             600 600 600 600 2400
Insurance             375 375 375 375 1500
Cleaning               30 30 30 30 120
Telephone             120 120 120 120 480
Bank Charges               75 75 75 75 300
Legal Fees/Accts           2,150 150 150 150 2600
VAT                –   300 300 300 900
Setting up         30,000 0 0 0 30000
Loan repayments           3,150 3150 3150 3150 12600
Total Outgoings –       64,303 –          31,955 –          41,355 –          41,405 –          179,018
Total Income         60,500 31500 36000 36000 164000
Net Cash Flow –         3,803 –              455 –           5,355 –           5,405 –           15,018
Opening Balance –       21,518 -36159.9 -35763.9 -27217.9 -120659.7
Ending Balance –       32,115 -36977.9 -33981.9 -23985.9 -127061

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